The s series

S1_Imagination as a Way of Knowing

In this S1 course Imagination is identified as a ‘missing piece’ in educational theory. You will be invited to participate In a conversational exchange between key pedagogical ideas which have been trialled in Steiner schools over the last century, current neuroscience research findings, and more recent theories of imaginative education.
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Who will benefit from this course?

Teachers and School Leaders in all kinds of schools, all subject areas, at all grade levels

Expand students' imagination!

Creative Schools need imaginative teachers. Learn to understand the Imagination!

How will I learn?

Watch the videos Practice the exercises in the Workbook – Learn in your own time & way.

What's it all about?

Imagination in Education through the lens of Steiner Pedagogy. Neuroscience & Current Theories

The Need for Imagination

Current educational goals emphasise the importance of Critical Thinking and Creativity in the future. An ability to imagine the future is the key to knowing how to plan for it and how to meet it.
What is this course about?
In this S1 course Imagination is identified as a ‘missing piece’ in educational theory. You will be invited to participate In a conversational exchange between key pedagogical ideas which have been trialled in Steiner schools over the last century, current neuroscience research findings, and more recent theories of imaginative education.
Why a Steiner lens?
Steiner education is described as a PEDAGOGY OF IMAGINATION which supports the integrated development of HEAD, HEART AND HANDS.
Unravelling the mind-body knot
We will puzzle over the question of how we know and the role that Imagination plays in the lighting up of new and creative ideas. We will explore how mindful and contemplative practices can help us to grow our Imaginations.
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This short course runs for just over 3 hours tutorial time. Homework is self-directed and self-paced. You may start at anytime and finish when you finish.
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Access to course

Individual teachers may enrol or Head Teachers/ Principals can contact to invest in multiple enrolments prior to commencing the online learning.
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How to learn

After enrolment, download your Workbook. Watch the learning, it is recommended you don't do the entire course in one sitting but rather at your own pace. 
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What comes with the course?

• 14 x Video Tutorials
• 1 x Digital 49 page Workbook 
Meet your teacher

Bronwen Haralambous

Bronwen is an Adjunct and Lecturer in the Graduate Certificate in Steiner Education at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC). She works as a Research Consultant for Steiner Education Australia (SEA). Bronwen co-directed a research project into Steiner Graduate Outcomes that was funded by SEA and run through USC. The report has been submitted and is available to link right.

The content of the courses in The S Series has been developed and refined over a period of 10 years of teaching and curriculum writing in a Steiner High School, followed by a further 10 year period of tertiary study and teaching, and doctoral research in a wide range of subject areas including imagination theory, counselling and psychotherapy, and teachers’ research and professional learning. During this latter period Bronwen further developed her curriculum writing skills by designing postgraduate courses in Steiner Education and by writing the Academic Foundations Paper and the High School English Curriculum for the Australian Steiner Curriculum. Re-imagining Steiner’s philosophy of imagination in the contemporary context is the focus that ties Bronwen’s various career pathways together.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Graduate Outcomes Research Report
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