Top 6 Social Biases that Block Creative and Critical Thinking

Kelly-Ann Denton

How could I have been so blind?

Blind Thinking is the cognitive mechanism by which we choose, sometimes consciously, but mostly not, to remain unseeing in situations where we could know, and should know, but won’t know because we are not looking. 

How could I have been so blind? A question most of us have asked ourselves more than once.
The fact is we can’t notice or know everything: the cognitive limits of our brain simply won’t let us. That means we have to filter or edit what we take in. We employ Selective Attention to see what we want to see and filter everything we don't want to see out.
Critical and Creative Thinking begins with a flexible mind. To be imaginative we need to see things in new ways. V2_Blind Thinking is a visual thinking process via visualisation (minds-eye) and related capabilities - to help us see what we can't see. This course illustrates the predictable blocks that inhibit imagination in order to move past the blocks. The program plants the seeds for Critical Thinking. How we see influences what we see, and that influences what we look for.

What are the limitations of our vision and how does that change the way we looks at things? Is our perception altered by what we see?

How could I have been so blind?

Blind Thinking is the cognitive mechanism by which we choose, sometimes consciously, but mostly not, to remain unseeing in situations where we could know, and should know, but won’t know because we are not looking. 

How could I have been so blind? A question most of us have asked ourselves more than once.
The fact is we can’t notice or know everything: the cognitive limits of our brain simply won’t let us. That means we have to filter or edit what we take in. We employ Selective Attention to see what we want to see and filter everything we don't want to see out.
Critical and Creative Thinking begins with a flexible mind. To be imaginative we need to see things in new ways. V2_Blind Thinking is a visual thinking process via visualisation (minds-eye) and related capabilities - to help us see what we can't see. This course illustrates the predictable blocks that inhibit imagination in order to move past the blocks. The program plants the seeds for Critical Thinking. How we see influences what we see, and that influences what we look for.

What are the limitations of our vision and how does that change the way we looks at things? Is our perception altered by what we see?

How could I have been so blind?

Blind Thinking is the cognitive mechanism by which we choose, sometimes consciously, but mostly not, to remain unseeing in situations where we could know, and should know, but won’t know because we are not looking. 

How could I have been so blind? A question most of us have asked ourselves more than once.
The fact is we can’t notice or know everything: the cognitive limits of our brain simply won’t let us. That means we have to filter or edit what we take in. We employ Selective Attention to see what we want to see and filter everything we don't want to see out.
Critical and Creative Thinking begins with a flexible mind. To be imaginative we need to see things in new ways. V2_Blind Thinking is a visual thinking process via visualisation (minds-eye) and related capabilities - to help us see what we can't see. This course illustrates the predictable blocks that inhibit imagination in order to move past the blocks. The program plants the seeds for Critical Thinking. How we see influences what we see, and that influences what we look for.

What are the limitations of our vision and how does that change the way we looks at things? Is our perception altered by what we see?


Blindness and bias

"Our blindness grows out of the small, daily decisions that we make, which embed us more snugly inside our affirming thoughts and values. And what’s most frightening about this process is that as we see less and less, we feel more comfort and greater certainty. We think we see more — even as the landscape shrinks"
Neurologist Robert Burton, who studies the biological basis of bias.

What are the 6 top blindspots?

There are a lot of mechanisms we use as navigation throughout our week that help us practice wilful blindness. There are plenty of benefits for doing so too.

This is a natural tendency of socialised humans and we shouldn’t take it personally. It does benefit us more however to be aware of our limited thinking so that we can be more imaginative.

Group Think

Stereotyped views of out-groups and negative views of a perceived “enemy” with direct pressure applied on dissenters. 

Naive Realism

The human tendency to believe that we see the world around us objectively, and that people who disagree with us must be uninformed, irrational, or biased.

Framing Effect

A cognitive heuristic in which people tend to reach conclusions based on the ‘framework’ within which a situation was presented.

Illusory Truth Effect 

(Also known as the validity effect, truth effect or the reiteration effect) . The tendency to believe information to be correct after repeated exposure.

Motivated Reasoning

Making your argument fit your conclusion   

The Blindspot Bias

Viewing one’s self as less biased than others  

There are cognitive illusions and visual illusions

Visual illusions are a fun way to find our biases and blinkers. Look at the two grey squares below. They look different right?
They are exactly the same, we just cant see it for what it is. Now squint your eyes hold your finger in front of your eyes so that your finger is in between the two squares (where they join) and see what you see. They're the same right?
This is one of the ways we can learn to see things differently - by knowing that we do.
Write your awesome label here.
learning to see - a path to critical thinking

Is there a treatment? Is it creative? Yes and yes! If we don’t know how to release our grip on “being right” or we are never shown how to become flexible thinkers.....well, it’s almost impossible to evolve beyond wilful blindness.

This is why treating Blind Thinking is the second part of what we teach in the imagination process.

We use visual processes to help us see beyond the apparent objective reality that appears in front of us. 

We call it V2_Blind Thinking and it is part of the The V Series; a series of short courses for Teachers to both develop their own skills and use that knowledge to help their students grow.

What makes us different

Watch. Learn. Improve.

The V (visual) series of courses are part of a cluster of imagination/visual learning disciplines that form a turning point in imagination training. 
V2_Blind Thinking – Seeing the Blocks to Imagination is a super fun and creative way to learn about our blinkers and the blindspots.
V1 to V8 follow on from each other in order to build on skills as participants journey through the imagination learning process.
These thinking processes directly affect our ability to be better critical thinkers and absolutely inhibit our ability to be imaginative and therefore more creative.

The Visual School

The V Series equips teachers and imagination seekers with the knowledge and skills to inspire students and explore their own imagination. Visual skills help us to see more possibilities.

Steiner School

The S Series are Steiner programs that support teachers to grow their own and their students’ imaginations and skills that facilitate the development of ethical & sustainable living environments.

National Art School

The Visual Mind and The Imagination is a 6 week program run via Zoom at the National Art School.  Alumni can continue to develop their concepts and creations via this portal after graduating from NAS.

Guest Speaking conducts 90min Blasts that provide schools, universities and workplaces broad knowledge on the development of critical and creative thinking skills. We can also be booked to your brief.
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