The skills you need to become a professional. Keep up to date with 21st Century Skills & learn more about critical and creative thinking. 


Start learning the neuroscience of imagination, see how it works and begin growing the roots of your imaginative mind.


Take your time, enjoy the process and begin your journey.

Your creativity is a gift, so please don't lock it away

Teachers need to have their own creativity nurtured. Most teachers haven't been taught the fundamentals nor the neuroscience of imagination. Previously we didn't realise it was so important for future minds. That's ok, now we know.
We want to improve our critical and creative thinking, so we'll need to invest in the continual development of our teachers imaginative capabilities. What fun!

What's it all about?

V1_The Neuroscience of Imagination shows how the visual system works in conjunction with imagination and the formation of new ideas. It looks at relevant networks in the brain responsible for both process driven thought but also new connections in the brain that aid creativity.
The course provides new information and understanding to create a foundation of neuroscientific explanations of the faculty of imagination. This understanding both develops the potential of the teacher and also creative outcomes for students. Below explains who the course is for and where to begin the development.

Who is this learning for?

All teachers of every discipline who value their imaginative potential. This is for the benefit of  both educators and their students.
Maths, Science, English, and PE teachers need imagination too, this course is for all teachers.

Where is the imagination?

Discover where the imagination is located in the brain. Learn how it works and what is required to allow for new ideas and insights to occur.
How do you grow your imaginative potential? How long does it take, can anyone develop it? (Yes)

How visual processes work to strengthen the capacity to ideate

The science behind physiological processes that align seeing (the mind's eye) with imagining.
"If I can't picture it, I can't understand it"
Albert Einstein

What will you take-away?

The neuroscience behind activating the imagination network. Practice targeted to build capacity in professional staff and schools; making room for visual processes in order to develop more imaginative capabilities.

What teachers are saying

"This course was fascinating. As a visual arts teacher it gave me great insight into how our creative brain works and can work. ‘When we imagine, visualise, daydream we improve creative thinking by broadening the range of information flow between diverse brain regions"
“The larger picture of learning, imagination and problem-solving for an individual’s life and for the society as a whole”
The process of visualisation and imaginative strategic thinking and problem solving strongly resonated with me and has provided a great framework to work within that "makes sense".
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