the v series

A program for visual, spoken & written text

The Peach Program, is a professional development short-course for teachers that uses practical and engaging classroom activities utilising visual learning. The program is designed to be an intrinsic motivator for interpretive skill building in figurative language.

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This course is a Visual Learning project which uses a specific visual learning method to enable teachers to teach figurative language. The technique gives students access to a method that makes figurative language easier to de-code. The course runs for 2 hours.  
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Who is this course for?

This course is for teachers to learn a new method of teaching figurative language. It uses poetry but the method is transferable to any text with figurative language. The method is suitable and adaptable for high school English. It can be used for junior or senior classes. Teachers can transfer the method to their students and give them new skills in interpreting text.
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How to learn

The course takes teachers through five modules. The modules are presented in visual and textual form with voice information as well. Four of the modules have a Workbook. The information is in sequential form and there are instructions on when to use the Workbooks. 
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Course Contents

The course comes with a presentation of 5 Modules: an introductory module, a module demonstrating the application of the method, two modules for use in the classroom and one revision module. There is a Workbook for each module containing practical classroom activities and handouts of some of the texts. 


Every English teacher needs an engaging and accessible way to teach figurative language. The Peach Project is a Visual Learning program that enables students to de-code figurative language. It uses poetry but is transferrable to any text type using figurative language. The Peach Project promotes innovative thinking and development of higher order skills through emotional engagement and creating curiosity.

Concept & Pedagogy
From teacher to student
The project is concept based and once students apply the concept, they have the capacity to apply the formula to other text types. The program encourages critical and creative thinking. 
Skills of Application
Practical resources
 The project helps teachers help students to recognise patterns and interpret them. Students then make new connections and develop skills of application. They will increase their ability to interpret and make meaning of literary devices. The program is adaptable to your class and their level of learning.  
Classroom Activities
Methods & Visualisation
 The program is an intrinsic motivator for interpretive skill building. It contains hands-on classroom activities designed to take students to the visual-mapping stage of problem solving using a concept-based method. 
Meet Your teacher

Jo Tuscano

Jo Tuscano is a writer, presenter and editor. Jo taught English and ESL in NSW high schools for seventeen years and taught English in international education for a number of years. She has also been an English tutor at Tranby Aboriginal College and the Cabramatta Community Centre. She has a BA Dip Ed, Cert TESOL and a Masters in Writing. Jo is the co-author of Back on the Block: Bill Simon’s Story, the first true life story to come out of the Kinchela Boys’ Home.
Jo has been published in the Sydney Morning Herald, the New England Review, Westerly Journal, Newswrite, the NSW History Teachers’ Association Journal, and in various other media. She has been a presenter on indigenous issues, particularly about the Kinchela Boys Home and issues regarding youth justice in the Northern Territory. She has appeared on Stateline and ABC Radio and has been a guest speaker for Reconciliation Western Sydney on a number of occasions. Her writing was performed with the Voices of Women project in 2019.Next year Odyssey Books will publish Jo’s two novels, The River Child and Under Andromeda. Her co-authored books This Is Where You Have To Go with Lynda Holden and Malpa will be published in the near future. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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